junio maluma Misterios

Aunque en un principio Maluma no pensaba dedicarse a la música le ofrecieron morder un disco, poco a lo que su padre se opuso en un principio no obstante que lo único que quería es que su hijo se dedicara al fútbol.

” And that was the beginning of this Papi Juancho project. It was one of the few songs I recorded before Covid. And it’s a very Verdadero song, very from the heart, with good lyrics, and good content. Truth is, I get bored of the same old reggaeton. It’s good to add lyrical content to the songs.

"Hawái" is a reggaeton song with pop ballad elements about the protagonist dealing with his ex lover publicly preaching her newfound happiness after their break-up, not convinced by her social media persona.[2]

The video also shows the couple sharing the big news with their respective families and Gomez’s belly growing over the past few months.

19. I can paint. I love art and it makes me feel at peace when I do it. It’s why I started my El Arte de Los Sueños foundation. It helps kids who don’t have the opportunities to chase their artistic dreams.

. “All the beautiful things that I’m living, I’m looking for more personal experiences, too. I love my music, I love being on tour, but I also want to keep growing Campeón a human being, not only Vencedor an artist. This makes me feel so human and I love this. But at the same time, the more human I feel, the more artist I get.

. “I’d sing all of these mariachi songs to my mom, and that was something that my father couldn’t believe...that I was so young but still wanted to do these performances in front of everyone.”

"DON JUAN" arrives, Maluma's most recent album, consolidating the evolution of his artistic career and thus beginning his world tour in the United States.

But it was also MALUMA KAROL G that time that taught him an essential lesson. “It’s what made me realize I had to work super hard so my family could have food and a house to live in,” he told

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Maluma: I didn't have to become a dad to start doing MALUMA KAROL G that. For me, that was the main thing when I started. I was 21 years old and I told my sister, “We’ve got to do a big foundation, the biggest foundation in Medellín, Colombia. I want to do it all over maluma babay the world.” And that's what is happening right now. My baby's coming, but I feel like I want to be the voice of the crowd, but not the voice of the maluma babay politicians, because I don't like politicians. I don't like to talk about that.

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“When I started my career, I wanted to help the people who were helping me, and the people helping me maluma hawaii were these kids from the hood—they were listening to my music, they were my fans. But they were also selling drugs, carrying guns,” he told

. Determined to provide opportunities to steer his community’s youth away from the dangers, he hopes to foster more creativity.

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